How To Find English Teaching Jobs Worldwide

Oct 25 2023

Teaching English as a foreign language can be done all over the world. From Venezuela to Vietnam, teaching English is a popular way to experience life in a foreign culture. But how do you find English teaching jobs? Is there a market for English teachers? Are there opportunities for English teachers abroad? How can I be a TEFL teacher?

Let’s get down to business.

Is there a demand for English teachers abroad?

Absolutely yes! There is no shortage of English language learners all over the world. The demand for English teachers is only increasing.

But you don’t want to be just any TEFL teacher. You want to get a TEFL qualification that will prepare you to teach English as a foreign language effortlessly and effectively. A good TEFL qualification ensures you’re confident to step into the classroom - and will make your CV stand out head and shoulders above the rest.

How can I work as an English teacher abroad?

TEFL teachers can find work in a surprisingly wide range of teaching jobs abroad. In other words, there are loads of different ways you can teach English overseas.

TEFL teachers can work in:

  • public schools
  • private schools
  • international schools
  • universities and colleges
  • in-company.

TEFL teachers can teach:

  • General/Conversational English
  • English for Exams
  • English for Specific Purposes
  • a specific subject (in English)
  • English for Academic Purposes

TEFL teachers can work as:

  • teachers
  • assistant teachers
  • Head teachers
  • Directors of Studies
  • volunteers
  • interns

While you will start out in one situation, throughout your TEFL career you’ll find that your role will chop and change with each job you take. But if you find yourself falling in love with teaching kindergarten, there’s no reason you can’t keep on doing that!

What qualifications do I need to teach English abroad?

The essential qualification to teach English abroad is a TEFL qualification.

A degree (in any field) is useful but not a deal-breaker when it comes to applying for teaching jobs abroad. A TEFL qualification, on the other hand, is vital to get a teaching job.

Your TEFL qualification should be from an internationally reputable and accredited TEFL course provider. It should be at least 120 hours, preferably with some practical teaching experience included. If you’re not convinced of the authenticity or usefulness of a particular TEFL course, check out reviews online from former students.

Which countries are looking for English teachers?

An easier question would be Which countries are NOT looking for English teachers? TEFL teachers are in demand in countries all over the world.

Certain countries - like Thailand, China, Vietnam, Spain - are known as TEFL hotspots because they have been welcoming TEFL teachers for many years. But don’t forget about the English-speaking countries. The UK, the US, Australia and Ireland all have plenty of opportunities for TEFL teachers.

How to find English teaching jobs worldwide online

Finding a job online is as simple as A-B-C!

Whether you want to find an English teaching job in China or Chile, the steps are pretty much the same. These days, the majority of English teaching jobs are found online.

There are two ways to go about this. One way to is to decide first where you want to teach. Then you can look online for TEFL jobs in that country by simply Googling TEFL jobs China, for example. Or you can look at specific websites advertising English teaching jobs in that country.

The other way is to first browse the available jobs. This way you aren’t limiting yourself to one specific destination. Instead, you can look around until you find a teaching job that suits you.

Once you have found a TEFL job which appeals to you, it’s time to apply. Put together your CV and write a cover letter tailored to that job. Once you’ve aced the interview, you’ll be on your way!

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